Sunday 21 July 2019

The movement and the term "revolian"

Given that it is the one year anniversary of the movement, an update was definitely needed!

Revolianism, as a movement, celebrates non conformity to gender stereotypes and gender roles in heterosexual people, but it also fights against the intensive objectification of both men and women in the media, as well as disapproves with the wrong values of the over-sexualized society that we live in.

Sexual objectification of men and women comes at a time in which  brands, companies and industries benefit off of promoting unhealthy values to the younger generations. These sort of inaccurate depictions of how individuals should look create issues relating to ones self esteem, giving them insecurities and even body dysmorphia. If our society was less centered around the sexual aspects of one's life, that would improve people's self esteem and the image they have of themselves in their heads, giving them more confidence and improving their mental health. But for that, we need a movement which aims to change what our society prioritizes to promote to its people.

Also, Revolianism aims to give straight people the possibility of being free of gender stereotypes and roles, without being deemed as "confused" or being told that they're just going through a phase, which they will grow out of later. It is meant to give more visibility to revolian people- which are cisgender, heterosexual people who don't conform to gender roles or stereotypes.

The term "revolian" comes from the name of the movement and the purpose of the word is simply to describe one's relation with the society that he or she lives in. Instead of having to write "straight individual who doesn't conform to gender stereotypes", someone could just use the word "revolian", ultimately making it more simple to express themselves.

Gender non conformity is a beautiful concept, so everybody should have access to it, displaying it if they feel it represents them more. There shouldn't be made assumptions about people who display gender nonconformity, and sexuality shouldn't be assumed just by looks, because sexuality and appearance aren't inherently related, and everybody's identity should be respected.

Thus, revolians do need more visibility, and that is the reason why Revolianism is needed. It isn't meant to exclude anyone, but to give more visibility to a category of people that is completely neglected by the mainstream media, isn't mentioned as being a reality in the education system through books or open conversations, and is just generally dismissed as a "group of exceptions", therefore, not worthy of being promoted. Anybody can join this movement, if they like to help raise awareness to the identity of  revolians. They don't necessarily need to be revolians themselves.

If you want to understand more about the concepts behind the movement, you can follow @revolianism on Twitter of search for "Revolianism" on facebook.

Hopefully, this update helped you understand more about the movement itself, and if you want to make a change, feel free to join the change!

That is the Honor Flag, otherwise known as the Revolian Flag!

Tuesday 29 January 2019

The meaning of the revolian symbol

The revolian symbol is made out of a circle that is crossed by one lilac/lavender line which has an equal sign behind it.

That is to symbolize that in Revolianism, men and women are equal.The first line of the equal is red and it represents revolian women: they are passionate, strong and assertive. The second line of the equal is blue and it represents revolian men: they are gentle, graceful, subtle.

The lilac line represents the jointing of the blue, the red and the white, thus of the revolian women and men, having the white symbolize new beginnings, those of our society's perspective on gender stereotypes.

Wednesday 31 October 2018

The media and revolians

There's no denying that  revolians are amongst the only groups of people who have virtually no media representation.

That poses the question- does the media actually strive to be more inclusive or does it give in to the pressure of certain groups in society?
Would the media ever portray any group that is not linked to the majority if it was not pressured to? The answer seems: "of course not".
Believe it or not, the lack of representation, endorsement and acceptance can be a form of oppression. Even though this "oppression" doesn't have its roots in law, it has its roots in the social aspect of one's everyday life.
You're constantly invalidated and sometimes even placed in a category of people you don't belong to.

Revolianism wants to give people the freedom to be able to choose how they want to present themselves to the world, without the fear of being mislabelled or miscategorized- but for that, we need media representation. 

Because let's face it- nothing is more beautiful than being yourself, being accepted for who you are and seeing other people who you can relate to be influential, powerful and endorsed.

Monday 16 July 2018

Welcome to our Revolution

If you landed on this page, you might be, in one way or another, tired of certain aspects of the society that we live in. Well, rest assured, you are not the only one.

Revolianism is a movement which advocates for more media representation for revolians.. For example, toxic gender stereotypes are perpetuated through the media, encouraging people, most notably straight people, to conform to them. However, if a person who is straight does not conform to these "ideals" they will be excluded, isolated from the rest or even mislabelled, which leaves many people asking themselves: should I be myself and be an "outcast" or invalidated or should I play a role and be accepted?
This ends up creating a lot of confusion, as many people choose to conform but might not feel that comfortable doing so.

You might be asking- what are revolians?
Well, to put it briefly, revolians are people who don't conform to gender stereotypes but are straight.
...But what are gender stereotypes?
Gender stereotypes are social constructs, therefore they have their roots in culture rather than in biology.
For example: long hair is for women and short hair is for men. That stereotype has it's roots in culture, not in biology. Same goes for makeup: makeup is not inherently a female trait, but it's commonly believe that it is for women only. Moreover, women are encouraged to wear it.

Regardless, whether or not you agree with the points made above, revolians truly believe that nobody should be invalidated.

One of our main principles is freedom. That means we want to be allowed to dress and look in a way which makes us feel confident about ourselves. For example, if a woman wants to not wear makeup and wear clothes which are baggy, she shouldn't be labelled as "lazy" and be told "she's not trying enough".
Assumptions are our biggest enemies!!
That and the lack of media representation... As you might have noticed, every heterosexual person present in the media is portrayed as conforming to these gender stereotypes in our society. That being said, it's safe to say that this portrayal might not be an accurate depiction for everybody.

So if you want to make a change and if you want to be able to express yourself without being labelled, this is the movement for you!

P.S this is our symbol! :D

The movement and the term "revolian"

Given that it is the one year anniversary of the movement, an update was definitely needed! Revolianism, as a movement, celebrates non con...